30 Dec 2009

One more thing....

… before I can write about how this year went and what I have done and learn. I haven’t posted anything about UlfR’s braies (I made them about month ago, hand stitch, not 100% happy with the result.. but I learned how to make it better next time) and his new woollen hosen (also he has worn those at two events already… again not 100 & happy with the result… linen lining “upper part” of the hosen is nice, but I was lazy and I didn’t made foot to the hosen… ah, maybe next time). And then Sahra and I bought legwraps for Knut and UlfR from Germany. Before this, UlfR only had his Investitura pants (woollen) and linen pants. So this is one step further to improve his clothing. I don’t have a picture of him wearing the new clothing.. but I have some other photos…

This is taken at this Fall at my Father’s… as you see, braies are huge (but made with very thin linen.. so also very comfy)

And photo of hosen and legwraps


Vielä yksi asia ennen kuin voi summata kunnolla tämän vuoden tehdyt työt ja opitut asiat. En ole kirjoittanut mitään UlfRin braieseista eli miesten pitkistä alushousuista (jotka tein noin kuukausi sitten, käsintehdyt, en ole ihan täysin tyytyväinen lopputulokseen.. mutta opinpahan miten ne kannattaa tehdä paremmin ensi kerralla) ja hänen uusista villaisista lahkeista tai hoseista (joita UlfR on jo ehtinyt käyttää kahdessa tapahtumassa… en myöskään ole niihin täysin tyytyväinen…. pellavavuoritukset lahkeiden yläosissa ovat ihan hyvät, mutta olin laiska enkä jaksanut tehdä lahkeisiin jalkateriä.. mutta ehkä sitten ensi kerralla). Tilasimme Sahran kanssa Saksasta myös UlfRille ja Knutille säärikääreet (mitkä taas on tosi hienot). Tätä ennen UlfRilla oli ainoastaan Investituura-pöksyt (villaiset) ja ainoastaan pellavaisia housuja. Joten tämä projekti oli taas askel parempaan UlfRin vaatevaraston parantamisen osalta. Minulla ei ole valokuvaa äijästä pöksyineen ja lahkeineen.. mutta jotain valokuvia on sentään. Ensimmäisessä kuvassa on braiesit koko pituudeltaan roikkumassa ja toisessa kuva lahkeista ja säärikääreistä.

22 Dec 2009

Christmas is almost here

I realized that I haven’t done as much medieval food at home this year that I wanted. So last weekend when Jon was here we had a small feast. Feast to practice how to eat a lot at Christmas Eve. Well after 4 hour cooking I wasn’t hungry so this practise was not very useful for me. I made mushroom pastries, chicken with onion relish, salmon in ale with fried turnips, beef stew, spelt, Claret-wine and we had olives etc. It was hard to say which dish was my favourite.. I think I liked all of them a lot. I was going to write the recipes here before Christmas but I spend almost all the yesterday evening thinking about and writing the mushroom pastry recipe so it looks like I don’t have enough time to write the recipes now. Today evening I have to wrap some presents and pack because tomorrow we are leaving to Mikkeli to spend Christmas at my father’s as we have done last ten years now. So I wish you all..

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Huomasin, että en ole ehtinyt tänä vuonna tekemään niin paljon keskiaikaisia ruokia kotona, kuin olin ajatellut ja halunnut. Joten viime viikonloppuna, kun Jon oli käymässä, tein ruokaa runsain mitoin. Ajatuksena oli harjoittaa mahalaukkua tulevaa joulusyöpöttelyä varten. Noh, neljän tunnin kokkausurakan jälkeen ei minulla ollutkaan enää juuri nälkä, joten harjoitus meni minulta hukkaan tällä kertaa. Tein sienipasteijoita, kanaa sipulipedillä, lohta haudutettuna oluessa paistettujen nauriiden kanssa, lihapataa, spelttiä, Claret-viiniä ja lisäksi tarjolla oli oliiveja ja muita lisukkeita. Vaikea sanoa mikä ruokalajeista oli maukkain, koska minusta kaikki oli todella hyviä tällä kertaa. Olin suunnitellut kirjoittavani käytetyt reseptit ylös ja laittavani ne tänne ennen joulua, mutta vietinkin lähes koko eilisen illan ihmettelemällä tuota sienipasteija-reseptiä ja kirjoittamalla sitä ylös, joten näyttää siltä, että reseptien kirjoittamiseen ei nyt ole aikaa riittävästi. Tänään illalla pitää paketoida muutamia lahjoja ja pakata, koska huomenna lähdetään Mikkeliin isän luo viettämään joulua, kuten olemme tehneet perinteisesti viimeisen yli kymmenen vuoden aikana. Joten toivotan teille kaikille..

Hyvää Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!

15 Dec 2009

Dies St Anna

We were at Dies St Anna last weekend. During our SCA history we have missed only one Dies St Anna event and that was last year. We were helping Sahra and Knut weekend before their wedding. And our first Dies St Anna was in the year 1998 (if I remember right…we waited and were at the Society almost one year before we had enough courage to go to an event). I will never forget that event! And also I do remember this one for long time I’m sure! We were happy to have little snow in the ground so it wasn’t as dark as some year it has been. We had a small market (a chance to buy Christmas presents), baking competition and people made their handicrafts etc. Food was very tasty and the company excellent. What can I say, it was one fine event and I am still smiling.

Last week I made naalbinded mittens to Sigrid as I had promised to her to make her the mittens almost year ago. I started to do the mittens and I made them at Summer Coronation, but there were too many flaws that I wanted to start over. Now I have made mittens that have no visible flaws in it. And it is the first time I manage to do that.

Next weekend Jon is coming to visit us. I was thinking about maybe to cook medieval food and serve Elsebeth’s pepper cookies and made Claret or Ypogras using her spice mixtures. I will also concentrate on making the tunics for my Dad and little brother to wear at our wedding… I have started to make them already. Only five working days left until Christmas holiday!


Annanpäivät ovat nyt takanapäin. SCA -harrastuksemme aikana olemme missanneet ainoastaan yhdet Annanpäivät, viime vuonna, jolloin olimme auttamassa Sahraa ja Knuuttia häävalmisteluissa. Ja jos muistan oikein, niin olimme Annanpäivillä ensimmäistä kertaa vuonna 1998. Ehdimme olla seurassa mukana lähes vuoden ennen kuin uskalsimme lähteä ensimmäiseen keskiaikatapahtumaamme. Olimme iloisia kun ulkona oli vähän lunta, ei ollut tällä kertaa niin pimeää kuin aikaisempina vuosina. Annanpäivillä järjestettiin viime hetken mahdollisuus ostaa joululahjoja. Lisäksi meillä oli leivontakilpailu ja tehtiin yhdessä käsitöitä ja niin edespäin. Ruoka oli mahdottoman hyvää ja seura loistavaa. Kaiken kaikkiaan jäi todella hyvä mieli tapahtumasta.

Viime viikolla sain aikaiseksi tehdä Sigridin neulakinnaslapaset, jotka olin luvannut tehdä hänelle jo melkein vuosi sitten. Itse asiassa alotin tekemään lapasia ja teinkin niitä kesällä Ruotsissa kesän kruunajaisissa, mutta tein niihin niin paljon virheitä, että en ollut tyytyväinen lopputulokseen. Nyt ollaan sitten kuitenkin päästy siihen tilanteeseen, että näissä uusissa lapasissa ei ole yhtään näkyvää virhettä, mikä tarkoittaa sitä, että edistystä on vuoden aikana tullut :D..

Jonttu tulee viikonloppuna kyläilemään. Ajattelin, että jos olisin ahkera, voisin ehkä tehdä jotain keskiaikaista ruokaa pitkästä aikaa. Voisin tarjota myös Elsebethin pippuripipareita ja tehdä Elsebethin valmiista mausteseoksesta Claret tai Ypogras- viinejä. Tästä edespäin pitänee myös keskittyä enemmän häävaatevalmisteluihin, isälle ja pikkuveljelle olen jo aloittanut tekemään tunikoita. Enää viisi työpäivää niin pääsee lomalle!!

3 Dec 2009


Maahiska painted today couple portraits about me :D. She is so talented! And fast! Chek it out here


Maahiska maalasi muutamat portretit meikäläisestä tänään :D Hän on niin taitava ja nopea!! Tuossa ylempänä linkki teoksiin :D

29 Nov 2009

Knee lenght socks

Last night I finished my third naalbinded socks. The socks are knee lenght and warm and they are made with using the Finnish stitch. Now the winter can come!
Sain valmiiksi eilen kolmannet neulakinnassukat. Sukat ovat polvimittaiset ja lämpöiset. Tein sukat suomalaisella pistolla. Nyt saa talvi tulla!

26 Nov 2009


Ok, I had to made my blog look more alive... after seeing this I thought that my blog looked too clinical and boring
Maahiskan blogia selattuani tulin siihen lopputulokseen, että blogipohjani on liian kliininen ja tylsä... jotain piti tehdä asialle..

25 Nov 2009

Stick and stitches

Last weekend we went to Stick and stitches event. It was the first event for Village of Routakero but everything went so smoothly that it felt like they have done this before. UlfR was more than pleased about having a chance to play with sticks. All in all they spend almost 6 hours in armours. At the same time others made their unfinished handicraft projects and start new ones.. also Sahra taught different naalbinding techniques for those who were interested. I spent most of the time making my new naalbinded knee length socks (pictures coming soon). It was very relaxing event, good food, good company, enough sleep :D. Ah.. and the mushroom pie was excellent!! For this event UlfR had new braies and new chausses to wear and new shoes. Also he has new woollen leg wraps, but I have to fix them little bit before he can wear them. I am trying to write a separate post about this as soon as I have time. Now there are only three weeks before Dies St Anna event. I am not going to make anything new for the event.. Instead I am going to (trying to) relax and do some cleaning here (I heard a rumour that Christmas is coming, maybe not yet but soon…).


Viime viikonlopun vietimme Keppiä ja käsitöitä tapahtumassa. Tapahtuma oli Routakeron kylälle ensimmäinen, joskaan se ei tuntunut siltä, koska kaikki sujui niin mallikkaasti. UlfR oli enemmän kuin innoissaan päästessään harjoittamaan keppijumppaa (rottinkitaistelua). Kaiken kaikkiaan taistelijat viettivätkin lähes kuusi tuntia haarniskoissaan. Samaan aikaan me muut teimme sisällä keskeneräisiä käsitöitä ja aloitimme uusia.. unohtamatta Sahran mainiota neulakinnasopetusta (tarjolla oli mahdollisuus oppia useita eri pistoja). Minä taas tein uusia polvimittaisia neulakinnassukkiani (joista kuvia lähettelen heti kun sukat ovat valmiit). Tapahtuma oli rentouttava, oli hyvää ruokaa, mainiota seuraa ja sain riittävästi unta (mikä on harvinaista) :D… ja päivällisellä tarjottu sienipiirakka oli todella hyvää!! Tätä tapahtumaa varten tein UlfR:lle uudet braies-tyyppiset miesten (alus)housut ja villaiset lahkeet, lisäksi olimme tilanneet hänelle uudet kengät. Ja uudet jalkarätitkin olisi, villaiset, mutta niitä pitää vielä vähän fiksata ennen kuin niitä voi käyttää. Ajattelin kirjoitella näistä lisää heti kun on enemmän aikaa. Annanpäiviin (seuraavaan tapahtumaan) on enää kolme viikkoa aikaa. En ajatellut tehdä mitään uutta Annanpäiviä varten.. sen sijaan ajattelin yrittää ottaa rennosti ja siivoilla täällä (koska Joulu on kuulemma kohta tulossa).

17 Nov 2009

Another sneak peak

This is the small Assisi embroidery project for the wedding. The swans are outlined and the background needs to be filled with cross stitch. I used red silk thread to linen. The pattern is slightly modified and I found it here http://www.stitchstitch.info/


Tässäpä muutama kuva pienestä Assisi kirjontatyöstä, jota olen tehnyt häitä varten. Joutsenien ääriviivat ovat valmiit, vielä pitäisi täyttää tausta ristipistoilla. Tähän työhön käytän pellavakangasta ja punaista silkkikirjontalankaa. Käyttämääni kuviota olen hieman muokannut, löysin kuvion yllä olevilta nettisivuilta.

Backside/ Takaa

8 Nov 2009


This weekend we stayed at home and I have tried to rest (that didn't happen) and do things that need to be done (not enough progress with those either). Still 10000 things to do before Sticks and Stitches event. I feel *very* tired now.. But I decide today that I will try to write shortly in Finnish after each posts because many of my readers are from Finland. Lets see if it's going to feel odd or not.

Tänä viikonloppuna oltiin ihan kotosalla ja yritin levätä (en oikein onnistunut) ja tehdä kaikkia niitä juttuja, joiden pitäisi olla tehty (enpä saanut riittävästi aikaiseksi). Olisi vielä 10000 asiaa tekemättä ennen Keppiä ja Käsitöitä tapahtumaa. Ja nyt väsyttää (ja särkee), joten hyvät yöt ja palataan asiaan pian <3.

1 Nov 2009


This weekend the flu won and we didn’t go to Lahti handicraft Fair. It was very disappointing but sometimes life is like that and it is not possible to get everything and go everywhere. Being in flu and also being at work almost all the week and not resting at home after work (because there were more important (?) things to do) was too much for me.

So we both rested and watched dvds (one of the movies was Coraline and it was very good.. I think maybe better than The Nightmare before Christmas). I made some digging in our wardrobe and I found one UFO (unfinished object) which I had started to make about nine years ago. Back then I had made a tablecloth to us and decorated it with cross stitch using red cotton thread. At that point I was studying and I had not enough money to buy silk threads. After finishing the tablecloth I started to make another tablecloth using the same pattern but blue cotton thread. The pattern was supposed to run around the cloth. I don’t remember what happen, maybe there was something better to do, but I stop making it. I didn’t throw it away because I had made a very big job with it already. At those days I wasn’t very fast embroiderer so it was a very big thing for me to have one of the four borders done. And I had started little bit to make the second border also and machine sewed the edges. The pattern I used is not Medieval more like traditional but it doesn’t look too modern I think.

Well I found it and thought again that I should not throw the thing away but rethink about is it use for something other purpose. So I thought that with a little modification it could be very usable towel for events. So I rip up the machine sewed seams and hand sewed with linen thread all the seams and unstitch little bit the embroidery. The pattern wasn’t finished so I made the missing rows (I had made one row) between the “snow flakes”, luckily I still have that cotton tread in my thread box. Tadaa.. I have a towel :).

28 Oct 2009

Book Fair and other things

After very relaxing and good weekend I have been feeling energetic. That’s funny because at the same time I have flu.. I hope that it’ll go away until next weekend. At Friday Tofa and I went to Helsinki Book Fair and there was also Food and Wine and Music Fair at the Helsinki Fair Center at the same time. So the Fair Center visit took almost all day. We didn’t found as much good books this time and it felt like the books were more expensive this time... or they didn’t have as good discount prices than last time. I end up buying couple books, one modern ethnic cookbook and other somehow related to medieval (and/or) renaissance. One of them is culture history of medieval writing. It is quite new book written in Finnish and it looks very interesting.

We accidentally run into Patrik and Anna who were playing medieval music at Investiture and because this very lucky encounter we end up listening their concert at Music Fair at the end of the day. They played music from 18th century but it was interesting also because they used instruments like “nyckelharpa or avainviulu in Finnish” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyckelharpa . I have to reveal that they are also coming to play to our wedding :D .

Sunday at home I started a small Assisi embroidery project for our wedding. After that I have been answering Maku-magazine’s questions about medieval food for their article about us cooking at Hämeenlinna Medieval Fair and sending tons of emails. I have to start packing for next weekend’s (“Kätevä”) Lahti handicraft Fair… Thinking is not very fast when one has flu and clock is running too fast.

22 Oct 2009


I decide not to write about last weekend and the things that I have been doing yet. I want to do more research first. I still have a major problem with starting to make something new and make research after that. It would be better to try to learn as much as possible before starting to make things. But it is sometimes too easy just to start making something after seeing some pictures or somebody wearing something at the event and only after that start finding more information about the item. Maybe I think that I am in hurry and I have to start making something and I think that I don’t have time to open books and internet… I have to promise myself to read more and start at the beginning..

I mean that at first there is a thought about the thing I want to make, let’s say it is a certain type of tunic from some certain time period. Ok, so I want to make this tunic.. now I will not go to my fabric boxes and start making it… instead of I will open a book and internet and try to find information about it. After that I will decided what type of seams I want to make. And after that I’ll find the fabric and the sewing thread. And if it needs a pattern I’ll make one.

Blaa blaa… anyway, the second naalbinded hat (made using the Oslo stitch) is done. I made it last weekend. There are no pictures abut it because it is a gift for somebody who might read this. I am aware that I should be doing things for our wedding… and I have already done something but not enough. For these projects I have made research before starting to do things.. but not enough yet.

Tomorrow I will go to Helsinki Book Fair with Tofa like last year. And next weekend is going to be once again Lahti Handicraft Fair and we are going to be there with Medium Aevum Hollolense re-enactment group. It’s going to be more than awesome!! So I’ll go to pack things and go to bed.

13 Oct 2009

My first attempt to make Oslo stitch (naalbinding)

The first hat is done. Sahra was right about it is very fast technique! It took only some hours (maybe 4) to make a hat. It is a lot easier than the Finnish stitch I have used but also as they told the structure of the “knitting” is looser. I used quite thick thread and tried to keep the loops as tight as possible.. so I don’t think that this hat is going to stretch too much. I don’t know how to make the start using the Oslo stitch…. so I used the Finnish style for that.

So why suddenly start practising the Oslo stitch? Well our friends Suski and Minttu went to European Textil Forum http://www.textilforum.org and after that they have been teaching the Oslo stitch. Textil Forum was held at the same time than our Investiture (otherwise I would have probably gone there). Today I was surfing in Internet and I end up reading Phiala’a blog (who also have wonderful web pages http://www.stringpage.com/ ) and I found out that she was at the Textil Forum also! And the last picture she had posted in her blog, I found some familiar faces… Suski and Minttu http://stringpage.com/blog/?p=355 :D. There are more photos at the Textil Forum web pages also.

Next thing is to finish the Giant pants I am currently making… but more about those surprisingly huge pants soon!

7 Oct 2009


We have bought plane tickets to England and made our reservations to 12th night Coronation. The event is hosted by the Shire of Flintheath and the event is at Lyndhurst, near Southampton. I can’t be more excited about this! It’ll be a wonderful start for the next year.

5 Oct 2009

Some progress and something small

Last weekend we went to Lahti to see Sahra and Knut. I was feeling little bit down before the weekend (one of the symptoms in Fibromyalgia.. well who likes the pain when it’s bad and you can’t do things you want to do??). I thought that changing the surroundings would help and it did. We found (almost too much) great wool fabrics at Lahti Eurokangas (fabric store).. and I will have thin wool for UlfR’s Viking style baggy pants and so on. I have decided long time ago that I want to make the pants for him when I have time to do that (but finding the fabric has been the obstacle in this project). Sahra and I ordered leg wraps to UlfR and Knut form internet. UlfR has had problems with shoes… especially winter shoes at the events (he doesn’t have any period shoes for the winter times). But now I have ordered some for him so we are getting more and more to the authenticity level we want to be in.

One of my own handkerchiefs (a very small one) is done now:

Also our wedding dress project is proceed… this is a sneak peak and I will not tell yet what is it :D

Oh and I have also a book about calligraphy for beginners. I would like to start practising it as soon as I have right tools for it.

28 Sept 2009


Last two weeks I have been doing things mostly not for me but for the gift and award basket. As I told last time Elsa made a blackwork pattern for Aarnimetsä wolf and she embroidered some handkerchiefs for the gift basket. Last weekend we went to Elsa’s and made more things together. I once again have problems with my hand… the hand didn’t like tablet weaving (stupid hand).

Here is a picture of the handkerchiefs and a pattern. We wanted it to be as simple as possible.

20 Sept 2009

A creative weekend

The next thing is starting to make the wedding dresses for us. The easiest part I thought was to start with headdresses. Elsa was visiting us this weekend and we tried to make a wulsthaube type German renaissance headdress with veil. We found some links also and this was one of the best we found: http://www.in-nova-corpora.ch/naehstube/ma_15_unterkleidung_text.htm .We managed to make a prototype of it and it looks very good. I am not going to reveal all the details of the wedding dress project.. other wise it could spoil the surprise :D but I can reveal some small things. This makes the blogging quite challenging but let’s see what will happen. I can reveal that I am going to make blackwork stripes to the veil and the veil is going to be quite long so lots of blackwork to do :D.

I also taught the basics of blackwork to Elsa this weekend (well I actually think that there wasn’t anything new that she didn’t know already). As a very creative person she designed a blackwork pattern of our Barony of Aarnimetsä’s wolf and she have already embroidered three handkerchiefs with the wolf this weekend to give away as gifts. I also started to do some simple blackwork to one of the napkins (or handkerchiefs…). As I told I need to do couple of handkerchiefs for me also. The handkerchiefs are not done yet.. but when they are I can (if I get her permission to do so) send a photo of them here. But now.. I can’t wait to start making the veil. I have to go to cut the linen and start making the blackwork and I know already the pattern I want to use.


I have been as I assumed very busy lately… for obvious reasons. Our Investiture is now over and I can start concentrating to other things that are important. I had some misfortune with my Investiture clothing. First I realize that there was not enough time for make the type dress I wanted to. I had to change my plans. I was going to make a kirtle underneath the gown and the gown was supposed to open at front. I was going to make a fartingale underneath the kirtle to have hourglass effect. Also I was going to make a new partlet but at the end I got inflammation to my hand and I couldn’t make one. Also I was going to make silk detachable sleeves. So instead I managed to make a corset (to which I got help making it) and quite simple black woollen dress with waist seam and black woollen detachable sleeves and a white linen smock with ruffled cuffs and an Elizabethan coif. (I am already dreaming of Elizabethan coif with blackwork… I’ll make one as soon as possible). I wasn’t that satisfied with the result of the dress and smock but that doesn’t mean that the dress and the smock wasn’t ok.. I just don’t want to make things in haste. Anyway the corset is the only piece which has made using machine..

The Investiture was as I wrote a memorable event with lots of big surprises. I have always thought that it’s not very easy to me to feel very emotional like almost crying if something big will happen. But I was wrong with that because there was more than one time at the event I felt that it was a mistake not to bring handkerchiefs to the event :).

Lord Rakonczay took couple of pictures of us just after our Investiture, here are some of the best shots … Lady Katariina Juhanantytär made UlfR's jacket and pants and lady Sahra made his coif.. the shirt is made by me.

14 Sept 2009

Quick note

Our Investiture is now over.. I’ll try to write about the event soon.. I’m very tired but more than happy.. The event was .. I think that I don’t even have words to describe how wonderful it was... it was magical and there were some surprises that I haven’t seen ever at Aarnimetsä event or anywhere else.

24 Aug 2009

Hämeenlinna Medieval Market

Huh, we are back from the market and I feel now more inspired and energetic. At the same time my feet and back are hurting for standing too much. This was the first time we spend almost all the weekend at the Hämeenlinna Medieval Market. We decided not to sleep at the site because I thought that the weather would be probably too cold for me to sleep at outside (and it was quite cold at nights). At Friday night Sahra, UlfR, Elzebeth and I went to Elzebeth’s to do preparations for the Saturday’s campfire cooking. We were surprisingly effective at that night and next day at the campfire. The journalist and the photographer from “Maku” magazine were very pleased and surprised about the big efford that we had put into the task. I still have to say that the biggest highlight of the Market was when Minttu, Susanna, Ilona and Sahra gave us the most beautiful leather covered, hand made books. They bought the books at Saltvik (and they managed to save the books from the big flood). These books will be very useful for next two years. I will try to write a diary from the events to the bigger one also. I will not mention how much money I spend at the weekend... :D

There was sadly quite many plastic pavilions at the market but our corner of the market area looked very cool...

Our stand

Minttu behind the stand (and Suski making tablet weaving)

Sahra had a new kirtle and kerchief (the kirtle was again amazing)

UlfR making food at the campfire

Food was very good.. we made lots of different dishes... we had almond chicken stew, lamb stew, spelt with dried cranberries, cabbage, carrot and leek pottage, fried turnips, homemade breads, stuffed barley breads (with two stuffings... one was salted salmon and one was mushrooms and onions) and also currant cakes, Shrewsbury cakes and so on.. I don't remember all anymore..

Sotka, a replica of viking age ship was at the market also. And Ilona :)

I am still very busy (or more and more busy)... the days are vanishing too quickly and still too much to do.

17 Aug 2009

Short update

Mom wanted me to do some update ;)...

My new smock is not done yet but over half is done at least. I have my corset at home and I have to do the lacing holes and insert the bones into it so I could start making the gown. After that the corset is almost done. There are so many things to do and too little time. I think that I now have all materials I need for my Investiture outfit. I don’t even want to count how many days I have left till the event at this point.

Yesterday I baked some excellent small cakes and Shrewsbury cakes and today I’ll do some pepper bisuquits for next weekend (for Hämeenlinna Medieval Market). Busy life... but I am sure that despite all this hustle now and at next weekend... the next weekend is going to be fun! (Also my new raspberry liqueur looks beautiful and delicious.. I started to make it at last Friday).

10 Aug 2009

Verla and hand sewing challenge

Another interesting and great weekend behind... Near to town of Kouvola is Verla Mill which is one of the World’s Heritage sites at Finland. The mill is from 19th century (so it is not medieval but very beautiful site). Last Saturday there was a small medieval market at Verla where we also attended. Canton of Miehonlinna had some activities (especially for children) at the market. There was some archery, dancing and armour fitting for the spectators and a tablet weaving demonstration also. I had enough time to finish UlfR’s Investiture shirt at the event. All in all it was a very good event, the weather was fantastic and there was surprisingly many spectators at the market (it was the first time they had this kind of market at Verla). After the market we went to Katariina’s home so she could take UlfR’s measurements for his other Investiture clothing. And after that we had cheerful evening at the Karhu residence.

Yesterday I finally did some counting for the hand sewing challenge. This I have made so far:

Blue Eura underdress (started before the competition started so not all counted): 14,82 m

Viking Finn apron with tablet woven decorations: 3,62 m

UlfR’s Kragelund tunic: 22,42 m

a green pouch: 1,44 m

UlfR’s headscarf: 2,28 m

UlfR’s blue kitchen tunic: 12,06 m

UlfR’s Investiture shirt: 15,04 m

All together (hand made seams after Summer Nights): 71,68 m

Hm.. it seems like I have made lots of things for UlfR and not so much for me... well next thing is to make a new smock with ruffled sleeves for me :) ... starting NOW.