8 Aug 2008


Should I start writing this telling that I have had a very bad week this far? Well this is not going to be a blog about the pain so let’s move on. I just tell that I have been lying at sofa most of the time after the work and sometimes also before going to work. 

But I have started to make drawers for me. There are some good introductions about making them like this: http://katerina.purplefiles.net/garb/diaries/Kat's%20Drawers.htm

And ¼ of the blackwork for my Assisi tablecloth is now done.

There are some other projects that I have started on doing also but I will write about those things later. :)


Mervi said...

Hauskan näköisiä pöksyjä!!!

Eva Grelsdotter said...

:D Pöksyn alku on vielä toistaiseksi odottamassa ompelukorissa kun muut kiireellisemmät projektit pitää tehdä ensin.