5 Oct 2009

Some progress and something small

Last weekend we went to Lahti to see Sahra and Knut. I was feeling little bit down before the weekend (one of the symptoms in Fibromyalgia.. well who likes the pain when it’s bad and you can’t do things you want to do??). I thought that changing the surroundings would help and it did. We found (almost too much) great wool fabrics at Lahti Eurokangas (fabric store).. and I will have thin wool for UlfR’s Viking style baggy pants and so on. I have decided long time ago that I want to make the pants for him when I have time to do that (but finding the fabric has been the obstacle in this project). Sahra and I ordered leg wraps to UlfR and Knut form internet. UlfR has had problems with shoes… especially winter shoes at the events (he doesn’t have any period shoes for the winter times). But now I have ordered some for him so we are getting more and more to the authenticity level we want to be in.

One of my own handkerchiefs (a very small one) is done now:

Also our wedding dress project is proceed… this is a sneak peak and I will not tell yet what is it :D

Oh and I have also a book about calligraphy for beginners. I would like to start practising it as soon as I have right tools for it.

1 comment:

Kesäkehrääjä said...

Oi, kuinka kaunista!!! <3 Ja ihanaa kuulla, että visiitti Lahdessa piristi sinua. Kiputilat ovat niin suolesta, kuten voin ymmärtää.